Collect your box tops and send them to school with your student! Each box top earns money for our school! What does a box top look like? Check out this website to find out everything you need to know! You can also find list of eligible products here.
You can also get the Box Top App: Android iPhone |
This is a new program for us! We are now an ec0-cool school because we are a part of the Crayola Color Cycle Program. All you have to do is send in your used markers to school with your student. Markers are collected and counted and sent to crayola and in return are learning about recycling and earn free markers! To learn more about this program click here.
Do you <3 Publix? Earn money for Challenger Elementary through Publix Partners!
Do you shop at Now a percentage of everything you purchase will be donated back to our school! All you have to do is link your amazon account to Challenger Elementary. After that be sure to use the website every time you shop at amazon. If you use Chrome or Firefox look up a browser extention called "SmileAlways" - this will automatically redirect you to the Smile page no matter how you arrive at amazon. It's that easy!
Click here to set up your link to Challenger Elementary: |
Use your Kroger Shopping Card to earn money for Challenger Elementary!
To sign up: