The Challenger Challenge begins on Monday, September 9th and runs through Friday, October 25th. Students will raise money for their classrooms and compete for classroom prizes such as homework passes, an ice cream party or even pancakes with Dr. Wallace!
Most of the fundraising will be done online and each classroom will have a unique fundraising website. Announcements will be made on a regular basis on rewards earned and which classes are in the lead.
Links to classroom fundraising pages will be coming soon!
If the school raises over $15,000 there will be a color fun run!
Final Amount: $12,125.52!
2019 Class Prize Winners; PK- Walsh K- Stewart 1st- Lang 2nd- Santa Ana 3rd- Cross 4th- Smith 5th - Yocum
$250 - Blast Off Homework passes for entire class and 10 minutes extra recess and mention on GMC Classrooms earning this prize level: Walsh (PK), Ruffin(K), Pylant (K), Smith (K), Stewart (K), Gamblin (1st), Lang (1st), Gordon(2nd), Santa Ana(2nd), Smith (2nd), Stegen (2nd), Bright (3rd), Cross(3rd), Lewy(3rd), Swain (3rd), Myler (4th), Singletary(4th), V. Smith (4th), Bell(5th), Thomas (5th), Yocum(5th)
$500 - Space Mission Popsicles for the class and appearance on GMC Classrooms earning this prize level: Plyant (K), Stewart (K), Lang(1st), Gordon(2nd), Smith(2nd), Santa Ana (2nd), Cross(3rd), Lewy(3rd), Swain (3rd) Yocum (5th)
$750 - Space Station Slushies for the class Classrooms earning this prize level: Stewart (K) Lang(1st) Santa Ana (2nd) Cross (3rd)
$1,000 - Rocket Treasure Chest Item Choice Classrooms earning this prize level: Lang(1st) Santa Ana (2nd) Cross (3rd)
$1,500 - Galaxy Pajama Day and Movie in Class Classrooms earning this prize level:
$2,000 - Shuttle Ice Cream Party Classrooms earning this prize level
Highest in Grade 30 Minutes of Extra Recess PK- Walsh K- Stewart 1st- Lang 2nd- Santa Ana 3rd- Cross 4th- Smith 5th - Yocum
Highest in School (Grand Prize) Pancakes with the Principal Cross(3rd)
Click on the links below to donate to classrooms to help them win classroom prizes